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If you are a hacker, or at least a wannabe - becoming a member
of CYBERIA is not difficult, but it does require some determination.
To join CYBERIA, mail us on: [email protected],
and please include these fields and fill them out:
Nickname: | please select a serious nickname |
Year of birth: | the year you were born |
First hacked in: | the year in which you first attemted hacking |
Familiar OS: | the operating system(s) in which you feel comfortable |
OS of choice: | the operating system that you prefer to use |
Programming knowledge: | the programming languages that you know |
ISP: | the current ISP which you're using |
E-mail address: | your current e-mail address, must not be given by your ISP, and must not have any refference to your name |
For your own security, only the above fields will be published
in CYBERIA'S "PLAYER PROFILES", we do ask you,
however, to mail us additional information regarding yourself. This
information will not be published on the Internet, or used anywhere else
(100 % security guarranteed), instead this information will help the CYBERIAN
GHOSTS grade you and contact you personally. Please include the fields
below and fill them out:
Full name: | name, surname, and middle name |
Sex: | c'mon I don't have to explain that |
Nationality: | all hackers are brothers, but we still wanna know |
Location: | please specify city, country, and suburb |
Marrital Status: | got a wife, husband, dog, pet fish, or what ??? |
Occupation: | self explainatory |
System: | you computer(s), e.g. 6x86 / 180 MHz / 128 Mb RAM |
Your reasons for membership: | why did you follow the dark path of your life, and became a hacker; and why did you choose the CYBERIA hacking network as your future carreer |
Additional Comments: | name of your pet dog, hacking experience, you interests/ hobbies, area of specialty, other criminal records, etc. |
After completing the form, mail it to:
[email protected],
and you will be rewarded. You will recieve the latest news, software
(if you choose to), and hacking updates. You will also be listed
in our "PLAYER PROFILES", and as you get better
at hacking, your status in CYBERIA will increase - you will gradually move
up to a higher hacking team, and one day, maybe, you might make it to the
legendary ALFA LOCUS hacking squad - hacking the planet 24 hrs a day...