TFX (Tactical Fghter Experts)
is now residing in 
CYBERIA | TerrorNet.  The site
features all Russian aircraft
(since they are the only ones
who now how to make true
advanced tactical fighters)

TFX  (Експерты тактическех боевых самолетов сейчас базируется на сайте 
CYBERIA | TerrorNet.  TFX предстовляет из себя современный источник информации обо всех моделий боевых самолетов стран СНГ 
TFX features a vast library of sensitve information regarding the best of Russian combat aircraft, including the legendary MiG project 1.42 MFI, and Su-37 Super Flanker.
The information supplied is divided in to the categories listed below:
  • Manufacturer
  • Country of Origin
  • Graphical resources
  • Terminal Velocity
  • Approach speed
  • Service ceiling
  • Range 
  • G limit
  • Special features

P.S. Please feel free to visit this site, and if you have any comments, questions or corrections - send us an e-mail to:

TFX does not claim any information about any aircraft to be entirely true, and we realise that we might have made some mistakes when compiling the information on aircraft featured in our site, and we are not responsible for any political concequences caused by our free information service.